Wednesday, April 15, 2009



to protect the wearer from the media and political word vomit


to be worn in private for better appreciation of music

Quickie #12

to be worn as public intervention

Quickie #13

For a stranger who wants more love

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Quickie #11

attaching person to public space

Quickie #10

repelling people

Quickie #8

Connecting two people

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Quickie #9

Wearable that makes noise.
Bubble-wrap clappers

Quickie #6

enhances motion of body.
the claw.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Profile Pictures for

my profile:

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Body In Motion

These shoes were quite the process to make. Starting from old tires from a junkyard and seat belt fabric, I ventured out on a limb to explore a concept concerning the human body in motion. I believe that we rely on cars and other vehicles far too much for transportation and have become lazy enough to drive four blocks to pick up a gallon of milk or go to school. This is not just wasting gas, but turning us into a lazy society that always tries to find the easiest and quickest way to approaching a task, no matter the consequences. I believe that we should use our own mode of transportation, our feet, to move us from place to place. By doing this we will cut down on obesity rates and gas consumption. Pushing this topic a bit further, I did research on M2E batteries used by the military that convert the energy created by our bodies in motion, kinetic energy, to usable energy, powering night vision goggles and such. If all shoes were equipped with a pocket for these batteries, or another type of energy converter, the human race would become self sufficient and lower our carbon footprint. So this project served as a prototype for not just commenting on our reliance on vehicles and the overwhelming problem of recycling rubber, but also the energy crises that has the whole world concerned.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Quickie #5

Marionette inspired hat and gloves forcing your arms and hands to move with the tilt of your head.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Quickie #4

gorilla arms!

HBA Project #1

For those days where we just want to curl up in a ball and make everyone leave us alone; the porcupine jacket.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Quickie #3

Eyelid extensions that help block out more light for better sleeping and bat away all dust particles so you never have something in your eye.

Form Assignment

spiral shoulder extensions

Friday, January 16, 2009

Quickie #2

Scar tissue can often disguise the figure but also tell their life story. They alter one's physical identity by revealing the events that changed their lives. "Scar tissue" made with rubber cement.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Quickie #1

Pop cultures heroines seem to be stick figures more often than not, leading our youth to believe they aren't skinny enough. I remember sitting in psychology and learning about a study that involved invading a secluded tribe in African and exposing the voluptuous women to American culture and media. This exposure to society's idolization of skinny women lead them to believe that they weren't beautiful as their culture had taught them. Because of pop culture's influence, these African women began to experience severe eating disorders. I was disgusted that these women had been influenced and harmed in such a way and that their long standing beliefs in their culture of fertility and curves had been shattered. So this is my quickie project. I'm bringing curvy back.